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Guide to Tongxiang Handmade B20 Cymbals


Cymbals are a crucial component of any drum set, contributing significantly to the overall sound and feel of the music. Among the various types of cymbals, those made from B20 bronze are highly regarded for their superior sound quality and durability. This guide will delve into the specifics of Tongxiang handmade B20 cymbals, exploring their characteristics, manufacturing process, and how to choose the right cymbal for your needs.

What is B20 Bronze?

B20 bronze is an alloy composed of 80% copper and 20% tin, often with traces of silver. This composition is known for producing a warm, complex, and rich sound, making it a preferred choice for high-end cymbals. The B20 alloy is more challenging to work with due to its brittleness, requiring extensive hammering and annealing to achieve the desired sound qualities.

Characteristics of Tongxiang Handmade B20 Cymbals

Tongxiang handmade B20 cymbals are renowned for their unique sound and craftsmanship. Here are some key characteristics:

  • Sound Quality: These cymbals produce a warm, dark, and complex sound, which is highly sought after by professional drummers. The extensive hand-hammering process contributes to their unique tonal qualities.
  • Durability: B20 bronze is known for its durability, making these cymbals a long-lasting investment for serious musicians.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The hand-hammered finish gives each cymbal a unique appearance, often with a raw and traditional look that many drummers find appealing.

Manufacturing Process


The manufacturing process of Tongxiang handmade B20 cymbals is labor-intensive and involves several steps to ensure the highest quality:

  1. Casting: The process begins with casting the B20 bronze alloy into a disc shape. This step is crucial as it sets the foundation for the cymbal’s sound characteristics.
  2. Hammering: Skilled craftsmen then hand-hammer the disc to shape it and refine its sound. This step is critical as it introduces the complex overtones and unique sound qualities that B20 cymbals are known for.
  3. Lathing: After hammering, the cymbal is lathed to remove excess material and fine-tune its thickness. This step also helps in achieving the desired pitch and sustain.
  4. Finishing: Finally, the cymbal undergoes a finishing process to enhance its appearance and protect it from corrosion. This may include polishing or applying a protective coating.

Choosing the Right Cymbal

When selecting a Tongxiang handmade B20 cymbal, several factors should be considered to ensure it meets your musical needs:


  • Crash Cymbals: Typically range from 14 to 22 inches. Larger crash cymbals have a lower pitch and longer sustain, while smaller ones have a higher pitch and shorter sustain.
  • Ride Cymbals: Usually between 20 to 24 inches. Larger ride cymbals offer more volume and sustain, making them suitable for louder music genres.
  • Hi-Hats: Commonly 14 inches, but can range from 12 to 16 inches. The size affects the pitch and response of the hi-hats.


  • Heavy Cymbals: Provide more volume and sustain, suitable for rock and metal genres. They have a slower response but are more durable.
  • Light Cymbals: Offer a quicker response and shorter sustain, ideal for jazz and lighter music styles. They produce a more complex and nuanced sound.

Sound Characteristics

  • Brightness vs. Darkness: Bright cymbals have a more cutting and aggressive sound, while dark cymbals offer a warmer and more complex tone. The choice depends on the music style and personal preference.
  • Sustain: The length of time the cymbal resonates after being struck. Longer sustain is suitable for louder music, while shorter sustain is preferred for intricate and fast-paced music.

Popular Models and Their Uses

Tongxiang offers a variety of handmade B20 cymbals, each designed for specific musical applications:

  • Crash Cymbals: Known for their explosive sound and quick decay, ideal for accentuating musical phrases. Popular models include the Tongxiang TZ-A series, which offers a raw and dark sound.
  • Ride Cymbals: Provide a steady rhythmic pattern with a clear stick definition. The Tongxiang TV series is a popular choice for its balanced sound and versatility.
  • Hi-Hats: Essential for keeping time and adding rhythmic complexity. The Tongxiang B20 handmade hi-hats are praised for their crisp and articulate sound.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Tongxiang handmade B20 cymbals, proper maintenance is essential:

  • Cleaning: Regularly clean your cymbals with a soft cloth to remove fingerprints and dirt. Avoid using abrasive cleaners that can damage the finish.
  • Storage: Store your cymbals in a cool, dry place to prevent corrosion. Use cymbal bags or cases to protect them during transport.
  • Handling: Handle your cymbals with care to avoid dents and cracks. Always place them on a flat surface and avoid stacking them without protection.


Tongxiang handmade B20 cymbals are a testament to the art of cymbal making, offering unparalleled sound quality and craftsmanship. Whether you are a professional drummer or an enthusiast, these cymbals can significantly enhance your musical expression. By understanding their characteristics, manufacturing process, and how to choose the right model, you can make an informed decision and invest in a cymbal that will serve you well for years to come.

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